- The Healthy Leader by Likewise Worship
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- getting rest won't just happen one day
getting rest won't just happen one day
... you have to learn it and practice it
“If I can just make it past this busy season, then things will slow down and I can rest!” said the naive worship leader. The things we need most are seldom things we don’t have to fight for…
In Today’s Email
3 Keys to Actually Resting (physically)
105 days and counting until…
Thomas Watson on Sin
3 Keys to Actually Resting (physically)
Rest never comes wrapped up in bows. If you don’t fight for it, you’ll never experience it. The three keys to getting rest are: planning, specificity, and accountability.
Plan It
If you don’t schedule your rest, it most likely won’t happen. And by schedule we mean - unavailable, you’re booked. Make appointments with yourself (or your family).
Whether it is a full day, an hour, a date night, or something fun with your kids - that has to be treated the same way you treat your ministry meetings. It’s a big red blockout (thanks, PCO).
You’ll always find an excuse to choose a different weekend to take off… so plan well in advance. Get clarity on how many weekends you are able to take off each month/year. And then get to work preparing your teams for a smooth Sunday in your absence.
Be Specific
Now that you’ve set these important appointments with yourself (and/or family/friends), you need to know what you’re going to do with the time. Sound like a bit much? Ask Cal Newport:
“If you haven’t given yourself something to do in a given moment, [media] always beckons as an appealing option.”
If you just block off a chunk of time to rest and don’t plan your rest - statistically, you will just doom scroll or binge watch. It’s how we are wired and how our environments are designed.
You don’t have to have every detail planned. Here’s an example:
For my day off on Saturday I will:
Make breakfast with my fam
Do something outside with my son
Read this book
You now have a loose plan for the day. Face it, you’ll be too tired to decide what to do when you wake up on Saturday morning.
Be Accountable
This is simple, but you need someone holding you to this. Each of us should have someone asking us if we are resting. Find someone you trust, show them your schedule, and be accountable to them for keeping these appointments with yourself.
These will help you rest FROM ministry. We also need to learn to rest IN ministry. We’ll save that for another week!
105 days and counting until…
Yep, Christmas.
105 days until one of the most intense days of the year for pretty much every worship leader (and team!). And if you kick off your first service of (who knows how many) with zero rest since who knows when, you’ll be in trouble before the first chorus of Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.
Instead, head into the busy season with the confidence of knowing you’ve really rested and you’re really ready—just like you’ll be ready for 4 straight weeks of carols (maybe?).
Take the Health Check and get insight into how you’re really doing as a leader. That’s one way to make Christmas Day that much sweeter with those you love. Ok, we’ll stop talking about Christmas now. You go take the Health Check!
Thomas Watson on Sin
“It is excellent to walk opposite to the world. Let us be as lilies and roses among the briars. Sin is never the better because it is in fashion.” - Thomas Watson
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