donald v. kamala?

... what's really at stake this election season.

It’s been a tense lead up to Election Day here in the US. In the last four years, our cities and churches have unfortunately demonstrated a great capacity for division. The problem? Division is the opposite of Jesus’ desire for His church. Who’s going to lead the charge in unity regardless of the outcome? Why not you? Read on…

In Today’s Email

  1. Why We Need to Sing This Sunday (and every Sunday)

  2. 15% OFF Worship Ministry Training

  3. C.S. Lewis on Christianity

Why We Need to Sing This Sunday

Unity is not the same as uniformity. This means that unity can exist while even the starkest of differences are present among believers. And it is imperative to Jesus that we be unified. He even says that the world will know that He was sent by the Father when we are “one as He and the Father are one” (John 17:21).

As leaders, our aim can’t be uniformity. The goal is to be united despite our differences. We must find a way to transcend them. It seems as though God in His wisdom has given us a tool for this. Here is why we need to sing this Sunday:

The Gift of Singing

Think of the best concert you’ve ever been to.

Imagine hundreds or thousands of fans in the same venue - singing the same words to the same melodies in full voice. If you’ve experienced something like this you will know that, for 2 hours or so, you feel like you have a lot of new best friends.

Why? Because you listened to the songs together in the same building? No.

It’s because you sang the same songs together in the same building.

In that moment, you were connected with people you didn’t know in a special way.

We believe that God has designed singing this way. And the world gets it too. In so many epic films, what do the heroes do before they embark on the journey (think, The Hobbit)? What do so many do before they die for a cause (think, the 12th Man)? They sing! There is something about singing that brings people together - especially in moments of importance, uncertainty, or need.

And then there is Jesus. At the conclusion of the Last Supper, before the walk to Gethsemane (which He knows is the beginning of the end of His earthly life), what does He do with His disciples?

And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.” (Matt. 26:30)

Singing is this supernatural adhesive that binds people together. It’s no wonder that all throughout Scripture we see God’s people doing this and we are so often commanded and encouraged to do this in our church expressions.

The Apostle Paul believed this as well. In Colossians 3, he gives one suggestion to the church when it comes to walking rightly:

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” (Colossians 3:16)

His suggestion was to sing the truth of God’s Word together. Let us hold our times of worship together with the same weight.

Singing This Sunday

Who knows what you are going to walk into Sunday morning.

But what do we know?

That singing together has this supernatural ability to break down high and thick walls. It has this ability to relieve tension and friction. And when you get people singing the truth of God’s Word together, you play a role in uniting people around the thing that does define them rather than the things they look to for earthly peace and security.

Worship matters. Singing together matters. You as the worship leader matter. Don’t underestimate the ways God can use you and your worship leadership this weekend (and every weekend) to unite a room full of differences around the truth of the Gospel.

It’s then that the world will know who Jesus is.

15% OFF Worship Ministry Training

We love what our friends at Worship Ministry Training are doing! There are tons of great resources like practical courses, audition templates, live interviews and so much more.

We’ve partnered with WMT to get a Likewise-only 15% OFF discount using the link below! Check it out and see if it may be of help to you!

Our heart is to find ways to support you by connecting you to other great tools out there.

C.S. Lewis on Christianity

“Enemy-occupied territory---that is what this world is. Christianity is the story of how the rightful king has landed, you might say landed in disguise, and is calling us to take part in a great campaign of sabotage.”

- C.S. Lewis

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