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... get comfortable in your seat at the table

You are right where you are supposed to be, right now. Whether you feel empowered, frustrated, stuck, over-qualified, or like an imposter, your current seat at the table is God’s gift to you and His church.

In Today’s Email

  1. 3 Requirements of a Faithful Leader

  2. Know Yourself and Know God

  3. Brooke Ligertwood on Love

3 Requirements of a Faithful Leader

We all want to be faithful, right? Like most good things, this is easier said than done. The role you find yourself in right now is designed by God for the good of His mission and the good of your soul.

No matter how you view your ministry right now, here are three ways to approach today (and everyday) if you want to be found faithful.

Be Content

“Do not put yourself forward in the king's presence or stand in the place of the great,for it is better to be told, ‘Come up here,’ than to be put lower in the presence of a noble.” - Proverbs 25:6-7

There is something hardwired inside of every one of us that wants to “climb the ladder” and “reach the next milestone.” While this ambition can be godly and an agent for good and the furthering God’s kingdom, there is an ambition that sabotages us.

This ambition believes that God’s favor = a promotion or more influence. This has left many a leader doubting the goodness of God and losing passion for ministry. Ask yourself this question: How would you feel if the Lord called you to stay in the same role for the rest of your ministry?

Let thankfulness mark each new day of ministry. Today, you get to partner with the God of Creation. What a privilege!

Work Hard

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” - Colossians 3:23-24

Your reward for your hard work and faithfulness is your inheritance which will come from the Lord. If your motivation for doing the work of the ministry is anything other than pleasing the Lord and what is stored up for you at the end of days, you’ll find it hard to stay motivated.

Be Present

When ministry gets tough or doesn’t look like what we imagined, we tend to wonder what it could look like elsewhere. When this season doesn’t meet our expectations, we look to the next with great anticipation. When we do this, we can end up missing what God is doing inside of us.

We get so involved in what the Lord is doing in the hearts of others that we sometimes forget to pay attention to what He wants to do in our hearts. God always meets us in the present and He is always up to something. Don’t miss it.

Know Yourself & Know God

Lord Jesus, let me know myself and know Thee…” — St. Augustine

St. Augustine penned these words around 400 A.D. God invites us to know him and ourselves. Do you “know” yourself? When was the last time you asked yourself some challenging questions about your life and ministry? We have a tool that makes those questions a lot less intimidating! Knowing God and knowing yourself is key to a healthy, vibrant spiritual life. And as a leader, you know that your own well being can’t be ignored. Take the next step as a healthy leader who “knows thyself.” Take the free Worship Leader Health check today.

Brooke Ligertwood on Love

“People aren't problems to be fixed. People are people, for us to walk alongside and journey with and help pick up the pieces with and, when they drop them again, to get back down and help them pick them up again. And that's real love - without condition and without expectation.” - Brooke Ligertwood

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