- The Healthy Leader by Likewise Worship
- Posts
- worship leaders just want to have fun
worship leaders just want to have fun
but we kinda don't very often...
Having fun… what is that? The things we personally enjoy often get pushed to the bottom of our to-do list. Sounds honorable. But at what cost?
In Today’s Email
Life Giving List
Swim Upstream
James K.A. Smith on loving substitutes
Life Giving List
Our friend Steve Cuss has given us at Likewise Worship a reminder that we think is helpful - we are not God’s employees, we are his kids.
It’s too easy for ministry to become just a job. It doesn’t take long to drift from passionate service to Jesus to a long list of tasks and to-do’s “for God.”
One thing that helps us relate to God as our Father and not our employer is to receive and enjoy the good gifts that He gives us. In his tool, the Life Giving List, Steve lays out two simple steps to help us enjoy God’s gifts to us.
Step 1 - Build Your List
The list is built into three categories: people, places, and activities.
Simply, list out the different people, places, and activities that when enjoyed, give you life. They fill you up. They “make you feel like a kid again.”
Take your time on this. Who are the people who, when spending time with them, give you energy instead of require it from you? Where are the physical places where you feel most at rest and at peace? What are the things you do that feel like “play” rather than work?
Step 2 - Put in on the Calendar
Most of these items on your list will, by default, get pushed towards the bottom… or off of your list completely.
As part of your own resistance to the busyness of our culture - put these people, places, and activities on the calendar as an appointment! We’re talking date and time here.
Share your list with someone and let them hold you accountable to it. Don’t neglect God’s gifts to you!
Listen to Steve talk more about the Life-Giving List here.
Swim Upstream
Being like everyone else brings a sense of safety and security. So, why swim upstream? Why go against the current? The challenge is that working like everyone else in our culture means you will work hard at good things - but often at the expense of the most important things.
It takes “hard work to make it work” when it comes to a lasting and fulfilling ministry. But the hard work most necessary doesn’t have to do with set planning or rehearsals. It has to do with your inner life. It has to do with taking the time perceive and attend to what God is doing in your heart.
Prioritizing THAT work helps you do all of your other work with more quality and joy. We created a free, 5-minute self assessment to get you started.
Take the Health Check and connect with a coach today!
Loving Substitutes
“Since our hearts are made to find their end in God, we will experience… anxiety and restlessness when we try to love substitutes.” - James K.A. Smith
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