you're the first to know

It's time we got better at communicating with you!

Hey there! There is so much going on at Likewise Worship right now that we had to let you know—first!

Speaking of “first,” we’ve switched email platforms to make connecting with you even easier—and since you’ve requested updates from us, we knew you’d be excited! Along with our shiny new email platform, we’re kicking off our brand new newsletter, The Healthy Leader!

What to expect

Our goal is to keep you encouraged, learning, and up-to-date about opportunities to get involved with Likewise. If it’s not one of those things, you won’t get an email about it.

Newest Offering: The Worship Leader Health Check

Our brand-new tool, the Worship Leader Health Check, is a 5-minute self-assessment that helps you ask good questions about your current ministry situation and your rhythms of rest. The goal is to help you identify areas of strength and potential growth in your rest, your faith, and your role.

It’s 100% FREE, and you can take it here:

Don’t Miss It

We’ll always drop these at the bottom of an email so they’re easy to find!

Being first to know is a good feeling, isn’t it?!